Retrofits need to get off on the right foot, that’s where a Retrofit Plan comes in...

Your First Step to Retrofit
At SuperHomes, our main goal is to enhance sustainable living solutions.
We understand that choosing to retrofit your home, and actually implementing those measures, can feel like quite the jump. In order to narrow that gap, a Retrofit Plan is the most recommended tool to understand what needs doing, in which order, to maximise the energy efficiency of your home.
In short, we offer 2 types of plans: a Whole Home Retrofit Plan, which is 30 pages long and incredibly in-depth, and a Home Energy Retrofit Options (HERO) Plan, which is around 15 pages long and more succinct.
Our new HERO Plans are essentially half the price for half the time, to fit to your budget; these are currently only being offered to certain counties for the beginning pilot stages and we plan to offer them more broadly in the future.
Let's look at a Whole House Retrofit Plan (WHRP)
A Whole Home Retrofit Plan (WHRP) is produced by one of our expert Retrofit Coordinators.
It is a ~30-page document that seeks to give you an independent idea of what energy improvement measures would be suitable for your home. It is a medium-term plan, and it is generally put it into phases of work. This means that the works can be done to suit your budget and spread out to minimise disruption. It also means that they are carried out in the right order so that one measure won’t need to be undone in order to start the next.
WHRPs were created to follow the provisions of the Government sponsored PAS 2035 ‘Retrofitting dwellings for improved energy efficiency’.
PAS 2035 requires that all retrofit projects undergo a risk assessment, which in turn influences the development of the WHRP, and includes a check to ensure that the measures recommended are compatible with each other and suitable for the home under assessment.
Possible retrofit measures set out in the WHRP may include, but are not limited to:
- Insulation
- Airtightness
- Ventilation
- Heating and cooling systems
- Renewable technologies
- Water heating systems
- Efficient lighting
- Energy monitoring systems
- Using locally generated power that uses zero-carbon technologies
The cost of the Whole House Retrofit Plan will vary depending on the size of your home.
Rooms / Area (m²) | Price |
Up to 6 main habitable rooms or ≤ 150m² | £720 (incl. VAT) |
Up to 7 main habitable rooms or ≤ 250m² | £840 (incl. VAT) |
8 or more habitable rooms or > 250m² | £900 (incl. VAT) |
A little more about our Home Energy Retrofit Options (HERO) plan
A Home Energy Retrofit Options (HERO) Plan is produced by either a Retrofit Coordinator or Retrofit Assessor. Essentially, it is a short version of a WHRP and could be considered as an initial plan to help customers appraise their main retrofit options, estimated costs and benefits. These can always be upgraded to a full WHRP should this be necessary, for example if you have a more complex property.